Error in fetching repository

I am getting following error while trying to open my repositories. Can anyone help or guide me through this??


Hi Romi,

You might want to try importing OBSERVATION.imaging_exam_result.v0 manually, then try the .oet import again.

AD and Ocean tools handle specialised archetypes in Template Filesets a little differently, and AD expects the parent archetype to be included in the Fileset, whereas CKM and ?? TD only carry the specialised, flattened archetype.

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Hi Ian
Thanks for the tip but i tried this and its not working. I am not able to open any of the repositories. I am still getting the same errors . :roll_eyes:
Is there any other way to open the repositories??

Where do you get the .oet from? Is it is local repository or a Git-backed repo?

Its Git backed repository

In that case you should be able to go to the Git repo concerned and manually delete the Folliculometry.oet file - if you then commit the change and push the changes, the .oet file should disappear.

Where did that folliculometry .oet template come from?

Probably the repo in question is;

There are several templates (.oet) missing referenced archetype(s) or referencing an older version (cause_of_death.v0, but repo contains cause_of_death.v1)

There is some work to put them in sync.

Many thanks @borut.fabjan,

That explains your problem, @pathak121 , which I am able to replicate. You have pointed to the CKM Github mirror repo, which includes a number of .oet (template) files for which the component archetypes cannot be found, and that’s why AD is complaining.

In part that is because CKM only exports current archetypes to Github e.g. it does not export a v0 archetype to giuthub, if that has now been published as a V1.

What is odd is that this used to work perfectly well. We will explore further and try to understand/mitigate the issue.

Thank you @borut.fabjan and @ian.mcnicoll.
But right now I m stuck and just cannot move ahead with my work as I am not able to open the repositories and a lot has been done in the past few months. Is it possible that i create new repositories and try to retrieve templates etc that were there in the old reps ( repos with the issues). Can this work??

Which Github repo are you actually working on @pathak121 ?

Weirdly this issue is happening on the international CKM Github mirror but not on the Apperta CKM mirror, even though, in theory, .oet errors exist. So something else might be happening.

If you are working on a fork of the International CKM Github, you might be able to remove the .oet files in your local fork, though right now we don’t have any proof that it is actually the .oet files that are causing the problem.

I can access the RegionStockhom repo via setting up a Git (not Github) repo but I think this is read-only.


These are the repos I am working on CKM mirror via modellbibliotek - region stockholm.

I know @Fabio is working on this, but it is a weird issue as similar GitHub-backed CKM repos are working fine e.g the Apperta CKM.

Which templates are you working on in this repo?

I can view that repo via AD if I point to it via a simple Git repo option - see the screenshot above.

Although you can’t write back or update, you can create a template Fileset for the templates(s) you are working on, down load these and then import them to a temporary local repo, for now. That should let you carryon working while the problem gets resolved.

If you let me know which templates you need, I can easily export them and get them to you.

I’ve linked in AD CatSalut, Apperta, Stockholm git repos;

And have no issues opening repos.

However repos contain templates with errors. As @ian.mcnicoll pointed that’s probably due to templates referencing .v0 archetypes, but CKM export includes only the latest. Therefore this archetypes are missing.

Thanks Fabio,

I would absolutely expect a number of those .oets to error when opening them explicitly, because of ‘missing archetypes’ in the CKM mirror. That is ‘correct’ behaviour

What is really strange is that the repo loads itself correctly for you, when I am getting the same errors as Romi. I’ve asked my colleagues to see if they can reproduce.

I am only getting the errors with the international CKM. Apperta and CatSalut CKMs open correctly.

An update.

I created fresh fork of the international CKM-mirror and deleted some .oet files via normal git process then pushed the corrected repo back to GitHub.

I found that deleting these 3 files

cause of death.oet

and the problem goes away!

I still have no idea why these were causing an issue or why this suddenly started happening but no doubt the Better guys will get to the bottom of it.

@pathak121 - if you are not familiar with git, you might need bit of help to delete those files . Bear in mind too that if at a later date you try to re-sync your fork with CKM, the problem may come back as these files will be re-instated.

Hi Ian

do you mean that I have to first delete those files from the git branch (neonatal) of the ckm mirror repo???

Yes , that should work. I’m not quite sure how you are managing branch merges though as, of course all of the branches will be affected so subsequent merges / resyncs might reintroduce the issue.

I’m happy to report we fixed the issue.
It was tight to the use case when log-in to AD with GitHub (GH) account and opening a GH repo type. It worked normally when accessing as Git repo type.

Thank you all for reporting. :wink:

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