Display location of "IP acknowledgements" in AD and CKM

This section is increasingly important as we model and publish more archetypes for licensed tools like PROMs. Currently it’s hidden away in the “Attribution” tab in both CKM and AD, but it really needs to be more front and center.

I propose moving it to the “Header” tab in both tools (maybe between “Misuse” and “References”?), and also to display it in reviews in the CKM.

@sebastian.garde @borut.fabjan


To me this belongs together with the other licencing related elements, i.e. the copyright and archetype licence.
Attribution sounds like the best tab to me for this. Sure it is the second tab only, but then the actual Data elements are on the third only.
If we move it to the first tab between Misuse and References, for archetypes with long “Use” statements, you’d even need to scroll down to see it at all, whereas its position on the Attribution tab guarantees that it is displayed.

Maybe we could make the licencing section or only the IP acknowledgements more visually distinctive somehow as an alternative suggestion?

Why not a separate tab ‘IP’ for all IP related things:

  • copyright
  • licence
  • IP acknowledgements
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