CTCAE and external resources

Regarding implementing a useful demo, here is what somebody with time could do (by themselves or by asking ChatGPT ot Github Copilot for help) and then post a link to their open source code solution, in this discussion thread!

  1. Get the CTCAE v5 excel file: https://ctep.cancer.gov/protocoldevelopment/electronic_applications/docs/CTCAE_v5.0.xlsx
  2. Convert the rows from the above spreadsheet to a list of JSON objects that you then feed in to a Lunr index GitHub - olivernn/lunr.js: A bit like Solr, but much smaller and not as bright or similar search engine (client or serverside).
  3. Make a user interface where a clinician can type words and get a weighted (priority-sorted) list of possible matching CTCAE terms/grades descriptions/definitions that match from the index. Show the results in a way that the makes it possible/easy to read all information from a CTCAE row (like the one in the post above)
  4. Make it possible to click the grade descriptions in the search hit list, and by doing so adding as many CTCAE entries as you want to an openEHR composition based on the above mentioned CTCAE archetype (if possible including the selected symptom-specific grade description rather than the generic one, because that makes reading the CTCAE EHR entry more meaningful for other EHR readers that may not have access to a fancy widget with CTCAE-support).

The above could of course be done as a component in existing platforms (instead of as a freestanding app/page) for examlple a component for Medblocks or a widget for Better plattform and others according to the specification suggestions posted in Standardised API for custom GUI-widgets for openEHR-based form editors & renderers? - #8 by boris.marn or Cambio’s (not yet openly published) variant of adding LIT-based components to forms.

Step #3 above could of course be improved to use exisitng data as input rather than requiring the clinician to type search words, I might get back to detailing such a use case from patient reported symptoms omce we get a first version of this How to use the "Symptom/sign screening questionnaire" archetype - #13 by erik.sundvall running after workarounds due to Bug in export of ORDINAL texts defined in templates

Do note that @bna from DIPS has previously done parts of the above and demoed in a YouTube short CTCAE Prototype openEHR Form - YouTube but it uses browsing of the hierarchy rather than search and also uses generic rather than symptom specific grade descriptions. (see correction of crossed out text in post below)

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