Converting OPT14 to OPT2

My tools are ADL2 based and they couldn’t be used with the existing OPT files which are ADL 1.4.

I finally wrote an OPT to OPT2 converter so that the existing v1.4 operational templates can be used.

I’m expecting that the COMPOSITION instances created with such a converted operational template (OPT14 => OPT2) should be compatible with instances created with the original OPT14 template. I’ll test it with EHRbase but will appreciate suggestions on what could go wrong.

At some point ADL 1.4 archetypes will be converted to ADL 2.4 (probably using Archie). Then such ADL2 archetypes will be used in ADL2 templates from which OPT2 will be generated.

I didn’t find an OET to ADL2 template converter in Archie. Will it be provided in CKM or Archetype Designer?

If not, does this mean that OET templates will have to be rewritten to ADL2 templates by hand? Maybe a converter similar to the one described above could be used?


I seem to recall that at one of the recent SEC meetings, it was agreed that one of the existing proprietary .oet->adl2 converted would be made openly available.

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