Is anybody aware of existing (or planned) integrations from an openEHR CDR to Tableau data visualisation tools?
We have seen similar integrations from openEHR CDRs to the statistics tool/language “R” in the form of code that transform openEHR AQL query reponses to R-native data structures (There are also similar approaches for Python) See e.g. links in the thread Business Intelligence tools with openEHR support
Tableau links:
Example setting/use:
At Karolinska University Hospital we are using a lot of Tableau visualisations to keep track of what is happening at the hospital, including for example production and economic measurements. We also use Tableau list/table-based live visualisation screens for e.g. flagging (non)existence and results of risk assements for patients currently at each participating ward (this leads to increased patient safety and better working conditons for staff).
Usually integrations have been done from each source system to Tableau via our ETL and Data Warehouse platform.
Now we start moving/copying more data directly from source systems into an openEHR CDR, and for several (not all) future use cases it would be good/simplifying to connect some Tableau visualisations directly to CDR data without going via the ETL and Data Warehouse platforms. One assumption of ours is that for several use cases good AQL queries could help format data from a CDR into structures that Tablau could use more or less directly.
Even though it may be tempting, please don’t start a discussion in this particular thread reagarding if it is clever to connect a live production CDR to ETL/statistics/epidemiological tasks. - We have solutions for the scaling, copying etc. The question above is focused on using e.g. existing openEHR REST APIs, including the /query-related ones, to integrate specifically to Tableau. General discussiosn of BI/ETL for openEHR is likely better to continue in threads like Business Intelligence tools with openEHR support