CKM review translations

What is the current best practice to ask a (known) reviewer on a translation in CKM?

Only found this

A official CKM translation review functionality has also been put into place to streamline the review of translations.

Hi Joost! Could you explain some more about the context of what you want to do? Iā€™m not sure I understand. :smile:

I want @wouterzanen to review my translations for a few archetypes.


Right! Then you can either do formal translation reviews, where you can also recruit other Dutch speakers, or you can ask Wouter to look at the translations informally.

Regarding the first option, the Swedes are probably the most experienced with that. Maybe @erik.sundvall or @Asa_Skagerhult could tell you about their experiences?

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Yes Iā€™m looking for the formal review possibilities. So CKM flow would be nice. But especially included ā€˜translation verifiedā€™ (or whatever the actual adl) in the adl would add value.

Well, itā€™s been a while since our last formal translation review. :slight_smile: The built-in tools in the CKM are really easy to use for this and the review process is smooth and rather self-explaining. But what I think would be helpful is if it was possible to use the review functionality for informal review rounds as well. That is, if I check out and translate an archetype I would like to be able to invite just a few persons for a first informal review round or two to get the translation up to an acceptable level, before sending out invites to a lot of people for the final formal review. Maybe this is possible, but I havenā€™t figured out how to do it yet. Using the review tool is not necessary for this (but would be nice), a perhaps simpler alternative is if I could let others edit my branch, but thatā€™s impossible isnā€™t it?


Of course I could send out a printable version in both source and target language for informal reviews, but I donā€™t think that is an optimal option.

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Thanks for the input. So how do I start to use (which button to click) the built in ckm translation review?

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You could do an initial review round for a smaller group as well, thereā€™s nothing forcing you to invite lots of people.

We could have a web call to demonstrate the functionality, if you like?

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@joostholslag Have you checked that your role in the CKM allows you to initiate reviews?

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A demo might be good for me too, as a refresh - things are really starting to happen fast in Sweden so probably we will run a lot of translation reviews pretty soon.

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Iā€™d be very happy if you wanted to join, ƅsa, you have more experience with this than I have! :blush:

EDIT: This goes for anyone else whoā€™d like to run translation reviews on the international CKM too, btw. Ping this thread and weā€™ll include you. Weā€™re planning for a web call early next week.

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Iā€™d like to join as well.


Weā€™ll meet this Monday at 12 Amsterdam time via zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Weā€™ll try to record the meeting, for those who canā€™t attend.

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Thanks @siljelb for the explenations.
1st step is to ask the editors of a project to allow you as a (translation) editor. (see 2nd video)
The of the process on how to invite people for a translation review is shown in video 1.

video 1 and 2 are found here: Passcode Required - Zoom
Passcode: a^D4eS

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Oh, I totally missed that a meeting was planned. It would have been nice to attend, but thanks anyway for the recordings, Iā€™ll check them out!


@siljelb we finished the translation review and came to agreement and all changes have been merged. Could you tell me how to update the translation status for Dutch to ā€œpublishedā€?

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Hi Joost,

Silje is on summer holiday :partying_face:

Click on the 7th icon that looks like a medal.
Scroll down to the Dutch translation and select your new status!



Thanks Heather,
the first dutch translation ever (afaik) has been reviewed and published!
Thanks everyone involved.

p.s. isnā€™t a status change like this a patch update to the archetype version?

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The status of the content publication process is a CKM thing and not included in the ADL, so it doesnā€™t change the technical version. A published archetype in one CKM will be uploaded to another CKM as a draft.