As of version 1.20.0 in Archetype Designer we have noticed a breaking change in the exported OPT temples. It seems that a namespace (ns2) is now added to the XML tags.
<ns2:purpose>Not Specified</ns2:purpose>
Why was this change introduced? And is there a plan in the future to announce such changes in advance or in the form of release logs?
I’ve noticed this change too. And it would be great to have these changes communicated in advance.
Any plans to make the Archetype Designer open-source?
In current upgrade, web template is not getting exported as before . This is affecting our work further. Will this be solved ? Thanks
Have you directly reported to Better? Note that this is not the support forum of Better (unlike EHRbase ). Maybe @borut.fabjan can help.
Yes, it will be solved, ETA early next week.
There were too many experimental features introduced under the hood.
@borut.fabjan will that include a fix for the opt templates as well?
Also, do you have a space were we can report issues directly or view release information?
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Fixed both with AD 1.20.2
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Thank you @borut.fabjan ! In the future where can we report such issues?
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(Keisha Barwise)
3 May 2021 19:21
Is this the same as the OPT’s seeming to not consistently save in AD and changes not carrying over the Form Builder?