Catalan Health System launches tender for openEHR Clinical Data Repository service - closes 21-dec-2022

Sistema de Salut de Catalunya are taking the next step in defining and delivering their #infostructure. The region has recently published a Request for Proposals, which “aims to procure the CKM platform service according with the openEHR standard”. The tender, will be open for proposals until 21st December 2022. Jordi Piera Jiménez on LinkedIn: The Catalonian government launches the tender to procure a clinical | 19 comments #digitalhealth #openehr #digtaltransformation #ckm


For anyone interested how the tender was raised, here you have some slides (included in the post):


Exciting news!

Thanks Daniel,

I watched the Tender webinar yesterday , when these slides were used, and I’d strongly recommend anyone interested in an openEHR-based regional/national platform approach to look at the slides.

It is a great exposition of the Catalan experience towards in healthIT delivery, the background to their interest in open platforms, and how they see the next steps into delivery. Really impressive.


Thanks for the tip, Ian!

We will publish shortly the slide deck from the ECHAlliance webinar, that are slightly different from this ones. The webinar was recorded and will be public in a few days.


We probably should change the title of this item: the tender is for Clinical Data Repository not Clinical Knowledge Management or CKM. The tender slides themselves are a bit misleading on this, because they also use the term ‘Knowledge’ early on, but I think this is a translation anomaly from Catalan.

@Daniel.Alomar - could you confirm that this particular tender referred to in this news item is the CDR one?


Hi Thomas,

You are right, this tender is about the Clinical Data Repository.

@JillRiley, please, could you change the title from “Clinical Knowledge Management platform” to “Clinical Data Repository”?

Thanks in advance,

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Thanks Daniel,

It would be great if the recording of the Tender webinar could be made available here too.

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For sure Ian, as soon as we have the link, we will post here.

It’s been two weeks and I thought it was about the CKM all this time :woman_facepalming:

Sorry Pablo. As a Thomas said, it was a translation anomaly when we translate into Catalan the tender title.

The CKM tender was already published.


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Please find in the following link the webinar’s video: Webinar: Key points of the Clinical Data Repository tender for the Catalan Health Care System - YouTube
