Archetypes and Templates about personal running data

Social determinants of health are increasingly being emphasized, and lifestyle is one of the most important factors…
How to create openEHR Archetypes and Templates for the personal running data (e.g., steps, distance, pace, calories, and more) from a sports watch (e.g., Garmin Forerunner 245)?
Is there any project focusing on such physical activity data?

Have a look at this incubator EMPOWER

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There’s a summary of the state of things regarding exercise and wearables archetypes in this Discourse post from @erik.sundvall as of 2022 here: Example wearables integrations and standardizing in OpenEHR using HL7, etc, for GDL CDS tools? - #8 by erik.sundvall

I’m not aware of anyone trying to finalise, review and publish a set of archetypes for these purposes, but it would be very welcome if someone wanted to undertake that work.


We work a lot with wearables and have several deployed projects with them.
For most of the stuff archetypes exist, SpO2, Pulse, bloodpressure …
For steps we created:

Its german, just use some auto translate so you get the idea.
If there is interest we can translate it and transfer it into the international.


Thanks, Ian, Siljie and Severin

I know @vanessap did some work just a month or so ago, using
Observation Archetype: Physical Activity (EMPOWER) [openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager]. There are many reasons to develop that particular one and other related archetypes further.

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Thanks, Vebjørn.
Chinese translation (zh-cn) was submitted yesterday.


Hi! My case is similar, in the project we are recording data from smart watches or what the phone accelerometer recognizes (android and ios). The archetype we are using is the “empower” , as you correctly mentioned, and indeed it needs some adjustments to make it more reusable and fix some typos. For example the fact it has a cardinality 3 for the data item tree, was problematic for my case, I had to change it because we only record the steps and the physical activity name, but not the duration as some of the APIs/frameworks for the devices do not provide such information. I only used it because its for a very small study, but there is a need in a near future for a broader project, so will be posting some change requests on the CKM for this specific archetype. This empower was for a project in EU long time ago, from what I could investigate.

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Aha, there’s also such a project in CKM:
Project: Social Determinants of Health

And more related projects and incubators…