Given the composition on the left, and the AQL query after that, what should the result set for the select clause on the right be? Same as before: think on it whenever you have some free time
If I argued collapsing results into as few rows as possible (while still having a characteristic of a cartesian product), I will with even more confidence proclaim that is the correct way in case of conjunction. This is exactly like SQL inner join with a condition that i_1 != i_2.
sorry @matijap I understand your point but can’t understand how you suggest that point could be applied to this example.
do you mean you’d collapse rows that are permutations of the same set ([i1,i2], [i2,i1]) ?
Yes, and I’ll edit my previous message comparing this to inner join: there is a subtle difference that the instructions are never the exact same object; there need to be two instructions.
Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t read the question clearly enough; I see you are asking about a result on a composition with 3 instructions, and in this case you’ll get 6 rows (3x3=9, minus the 3 cases where both variables bind to the same object).
My explanation for removing those is “an object cannot be in two columns of a row at the same time”, since merely having two variables implies having two different instances of data Glad to agree on yet another one.
We agree on what having two variables implies. You could, however, use the same variable multiple times in the projection in a way that would cause having “an object in two rows”. Or indeed you could have different variables between which there is containment, and it’s actually what bothers Pablo, but I say you can have the same field in the projection as many times you like.
no , I did not read it carefully it appears but I think you’re referring to SELECT reusing an alias/variable from alias multiple times, in which case, I’d certainly agree.
This is the permutation problem - again
The result-set will have 3 x 3 = 9 rows.
The executed AQL was:
c/name/value as C1,
s/name/value as S1,
i_1/name/value as I1,
i_2/name/value as I2