I had tried that some time ago just for created compositions with no success with EHRBase as it returns more fields than expected.
I did some tests with a single EHR that has 4 different compositions: 2 created in the past and 2 created today. I wanted to retrieve the compositions created today
SELECT e/compositions
FROM EHR e[ehr_id/value='XXX']
This returns the information about the 4 compositions
SELECT e/compositions/time_created/value
FROM EHR e[ehr_id/value='XXX']
Also returns 4 rows
SELECT e/compositions/time_created/value, e/compositions/id/value
FROM EHR e[ehr_id/value='XXX']
This now returns 16 rows
So this AQL that could return created compositions:
SELECT e/compositions/time_created/value, e/compositions/id/value
FROM EHR e[ehr_id/value='XXX']
WHERE e/compositions/time_created/value > '2022-03-30'
Returns 8 rows (4 existing compositions and 2 that match the criteria)
If you donât include time_created/value EHRBase fails
SELECT e/compositions/id/value
FROM EHR e[ehr_id/value='XXX']
WHERE e/compositions/time_created/value > '2022-03-30'
Could not perform SQL query:org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table \"array_254765709_197\"\n Position: 412, AQL expression:SELECTe/compositions/id/valueFROMEHRe[ehr_id/value='20a5b7bf-a075-41c7-909c-b13864af727f']WHEREe/compositions/time_created/value>'2022-03-30'<EOF>, Translated SQL:select array_1146513038_195.var_1146513038_196 as \"/compositions/id/value\" from \"ehr\".\"ehr\" as \"ehr_join\" join lateral (\n select jsonb_extract_path_text(cast(ehr.xjsonb_array_elements(cast(jsonb_extract_path(cast(\"ehr\".\"js_ehr\"(\n cast(ehr_join.id as uuid), \n 'local.ehrbase.org'\n) as jsonb),'compositions') as jsonb)) as jsonb),'id','value')\n AS var_1146513038_196) as \"array_1146513038_195\" on 1 = 1 where (array_254765709_197.var_254765709_198 > '2022-03-30' and \"ehr_join\".\"id\" = 'XXX')
The only way to obtain the list of compositions created within a time period requires external parsing and 2 AQLs. But that just limits to created compositions, does not cover updated ones:
1st AQL query:
SELECT e/compositions/time_created/value, e/ehr_id/value
WHERE e/compositions/time_created/value > '2022-03-30',
Then a 2nd AQL query to obtain all the compositions from those EHRs
SELECT e/compositions
WHERE e/ehr_id/value matches {<here the list of EHRIds from the previous AQL>}
Then matching by time_created