Anyone using the genomic archetypes?


A couple of years ago, a group of archetypes dealing with results and interpretation of genomics/genetics analyses were made and published. You’ll find them here: Project: Genomics [openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager]

The work group from back then are now picking their work up again, and some of the published ones will possibly be altered in the near future, and a couple of the yet not reviewed and published ones will be moved forward towards publishing.

The group would like to know:

  1. Has anyone used the actual archetypes in production yet? If so, the group is interested in feedback on their design.
  2. Are anyone interested in taking part in the future work, related to the genomic/genetic archetypes? Seeking especially domain experts to join.

Please respond below if you have experience from implementing the archetypes, or otherwise are interested in the work.

Vebjørn Arntzen
CKA in international CKM, supporting the group