Annotations in ADL1.4->2

At the last SEC meeting, I raised some issues about Annotations that I’ve tried pull together at this Confluence page

There are some potential non-breaking changes to ADL/AOM documentation and potentially spec but they relate only to tooling, and not to CDRs, However they are causing issues for clinical modelling esp loss of support for multi-lingual annotations, which is problematic for some PROMS scores.

There are probably some easy-ish tooling / .opt / web template generation fixes in the short term.

@borut.fabjan @sebastian.garde @joostholslag @birger.haarbrandt

I have already put in a CR for web template multi-lingual annotation handling.

Comments welcome.

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It’s a pity I couldn’t attend to last SEC meeting, thanks for the clear summary. We are experiencing these tooling issues in CatSalut project

I now realise that some of the design decisions in AD’s way of handling annotations in .opt is a consequence of trying to move to ADL2 path-based annotations but in doing so, running into 14 opt constraints.

The changes in AD that I think would fix this and give a more tolerable transition path are

  1. Retain terminology-based annotations in .opt1.4 (remove in .opt2)
  2. Support multilingual annotations in web templates

I don’t think either have an immediate impact on CKM .opt generation