There is a local file for Archetype Designer in the same way as in Archetype Editor. In fact it’s the same file. I’ve added cGy, mGy and kV to this file, as well as made some other minor adjustments and corrections. Could you update AD with this when convenient, @borut.fabjan ?
PropertyUnitData.xml (56.4 KB)
Although for the future, it’s likely we’ll want to be able to construct UCUM units conbining the atom units with appropriate prefixes on the fly. In this case, the unit files would only contain a list of properties (length, mass, energy dose, etc), a list of atom units (m, kg, Gy, etc), and a list of prefixes (m, M, c, etc). This would be much more flexible, and wouldn’t require us to add new stuff to the units file anywhere near as often.