Adding support to .adl/adls/opt/oet... as allowed file extensions in upload attachments

Sending little archetype snippets seems something we will end doing. I assume these file extensions (at least) should be added

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We can specify languages for syntax highlighting :
some work would be needed to support things like ADL (see the link)

And I’ve now added the requested extensions for upload types:


I actually have these kinds of rules defined somewhere. I can have a look at it

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We do have ADL 2 syntax highlighting in javascript using the Ace editor. Can be adapted to support ADL 1.4 relatively easily.
I can share the code, but I’m not sure if it helps. I think discourse uses highlightjs, which is a bit of a different approach than Ace.

Could .xmind and .mm be added too? We use these for mindmaps.

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Hi Silje,
I’ve now done this.