Hi all, we’d like to be able to choose “drops” as a unit within Archetype Designer (and other tooling). It is a valid UCUM unit, so I’ve raised a PR with it added to PropertyUnitData.xml. Is that correct approach, and is there anything else I need to do?
@siljelb . I guess this is a reasonable request?
Certainly, although I’m a bit unsure about the maths. I’ve submitted a change request to the PR.
Thanks @siljelb and @ian.mcnicoll , I’ve added a comment to the change request
Hi @siljelb , is there anything else we need to do get the change merged, or will it get picked up as part of a release cycle?
@sebastian.iancu, maybe you know how to get this progressed?
It is now merged and published in the development version - will be part of upcoming v3.1.0
Thanks @sebastian.iancu!
@borut.fabjan, could you update AD with this updated units file?
Hi, @sebastian.iancu. Thank you so much for your merging the translation (zh) branch.
@borut.fabjan it’s the version in the current master: specifications-TERM/computable/XML/PropertyUnitData.xml at master · openEHR/specifications-TERM (github.com)