A status to record that the data was erroneous and has been corrected before inserting?

Can a status be recorded in composition/archetype level indicating that the original data was erroneous and has been corrected before inserting?
Note the original data is stored in feeder_audit

Hi Chaya
Yes, if the archetype has a node (element) to store that information. If you see the Laboratory test result archetype Clinical Knowledge Manager, there is an element “Overall test status”. The data type is a choice between text (which can be a local value set in your application) and a list of suggested coded values. In comment to the element it says:
“The values have been specifically chosen to match those in the HL7 FHIR Diagnostic report, historically derived from HL7v2 practice. Other local codes/terms can be used via the Text ‘choice’. This element is multiple occurrence to cater for the use cases where statuses for different aspects of the result have been split into several elements.”
In your receiving end the original data will be stored in another instance of the archetype.