5th openEHR Asia Summit, 30th July, 2022 by Zoom

Dear all,

This is an announcement for the 5th openEHR Asia summit. We will make it online and welcome attendants from all over the world.

Registration available form here: The 5th openEHR Asia Summit - connpass

  • Date and time 9:00-12:00 AM(JST) on July 30
  • Venue Online(Zoom)


  1. Opening remark and openEHR updates 2021-2022, Shinji Kobayashi, NPO openEHR Japan(9:00-9:15)
  2. Modelling clinical knowledge, Heather Leslie, Atomica Informatics(9:15-9:45)
  3. Toward implementing an open source CDR fulfilling nation-widedeployment, Christian Chivalley, Adoc Corp. (9:45-10:15)
  4. break(10:15-10:30
  5. Smart on openEHR, Sidharth Ramesh, Medblocks project (10:30-11:00)
  6. Recent Progress of openEHR in China, Xudong Lu, Zhejiang
  7. General Discussion (11:30-12:00)

Will the recording of the conference be accessible? Just for the guys from the other side of the globe.

I will try!

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I am very sorry I could not record this conference.
But we shared the presentation files online.

We are very happy if these are helpful for you.

Best regards,
Shinji Kobayashi

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Thanks a lot Shinji!