3 July ZIBs openEHR online working group meeting

The next ZIBS openEHR working group meeting (online) is being held on 3 July at 10:00 BST and will look at mapping for Blood Pressure and Contact ZIBs.

More information and register HERE

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Good stuff!

What is the current status of this? If I look at Mappings - Remote theme example most of them are still work in progress, but not sure that is correct. What steps do I need to take if I for example would want to create and use the Patient ZIB as an archetype? I found there is a draft archetype (https://ckm.openehr.org/ckm/archetypes/1013.1.821) but it is limited compared to the ZIB. Or is someone already working on that?



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Hi Rinke.

Thanks for your interest. That page is mostly accurate, but e.g. the polsfrequentie is mostly done. Polsfrequentie - Remote theme example . So you could get started with that one. You could have a look at Branches · openehr-nl/ZIBs-on-openEHR · GitHub for in development work.
What this project delivers is translation of relevant ckm archetypes, a template with all elements of the zib and a mapping csv to simplify exporting stored openEHR data as a zib.

The person ZIB could be low priority since demographic data (people) is an infrequently used part of the openEHR spec. There is a list of what zibs have priority, but I’m not sure it’s public. @sebastian.iancu @wouterzanen can we make it public?

This work is being done by a small group of people in there spare time. If you want to contribute let us know. There’s also a slack channel for day to day stuff if you’re interested https://openehrclinical.slack.com/archives/C01NABR49R7/p1617347732005400
(You’re current questions are perfect for discourse btw)

Is this sufficiently answering your question? Otherwise please share what you’re usecase is to create and use archetypes from zibs.

Indeed, good to see interest besides our small working group of openEHR-NL.
For the Patient ZIB, as well as for all other demographics related ZIB we already have archetypes adjusted at Code24, with the plan to make them public. But the process requires some extra time/effort, and we did not had it on our short term roadmap.

It is definitively a good idea for you to join one of our meetings to get to know your projects/plans and to discuss our results so far.

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Hi Joost and Sebastian,

Thanks for your responses! I’m currently trying to do a quick and dirty setup (prototype) to see what steps I have to go through to get from a natural language guideline towards a tool that gives advice to healthcare practicioners for example, based on openEHR standards.

I’m taking an iterative approach with this, working towards a more clean setup (e.g. use of ZIBS patient, medication etc.) in the end. Thought I might as well do some work on the ZIBs along the way, so others and I don’t have to reinvent the wheel. So I am happy to help out over time, once things get more serious. + it is a also way for me to dive deeper in the openEHR elements and learn more about them.

Current steps I’ve defined to get from a natural guideline to a decision support tool:

  1. Translating natural language guideline into GDL based on openEHR archetypes and templates. (From a interoperability perspective I am hoping to be able to incorperate ZIBs as much as possible, but this is not a necessity.)
  2. Mapping existing data-elements in a MySQL to the openEHR Archetype/Template elements
  3. Execute the guideline rules with the mapped data items
  4. Show the results in some UI
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Sounds interesting; few suggestions:

  • perhaps you should contact @rong.chen as there might be already some GDLs or CDS apps or at least interest info developing such GDL
  • mapping to MySQL might work, but perhaps nicer/easier or at least more interesting would be to use open-source EHRBase and their SDK - I heard is simple to set it up as they also provide Docker files
  • there is various UI related experiments which might be helpful for you, the newest to check is of @Sidharth_Ramesh - see his posts in the last period

Perhaps you know all these, but otherwise I thought it will help you in your project.

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Hi Sebastian,

Thanks for the suggestions, much appreciated! For now I am trying to generate advice using GDL with MySQL data as input (so mapping from MySQL), without trying to save any data. But I’ll have a look at EHRBase for sure!


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