Setting custom server node name

By default EHRBase seems to add to all the URIs that it creates

For example versioned compositionUid -

In my understanding the nodename is used in these URIs. I tried changing it by starting the JAR as below

#java -jar application/target/application-0.16.5.jar

Though the server starts OK, I do not see any difference to the URIs after that also. Is there any way to check the nodename in an running instance of EHRbase? How do I control the structure of the URIs


Hey @Dileep_V_S! The mechanisms are the same like here: List of available override the application properties (like database settings) in EHRBase - #5 by jake.smolka

So you could change the node name with, for instance:

SERVER_NODENAME=test java -jar application-0.16.5.jar

And, just as a side note, to quickly check the result:

curl --header "PREFER: return=representation" \
        --request POST \
    http://localhost:8080/ehrbase/rest/openehr/v1/ehr | jq

Thank you. That works
