March 26 online seminar: Practical tools and methods for clinical decision- and process-support

The video of this event is now available on the openEHR YouTube channel, with timings, so you can watch the presentations you want.

Duration 2hr 20 mins

— Introduction —

00:00:00 - webinar overview (Erik Sundvall, PhD)

00:01:50 - what is openEHR (Ian McNicoll, MD)

00:04:40 - openEHR facilities for process and CDS (Thomas Beale)

00:11:42 - background of CDS, closing the 17 year feedback loop (Rong Chen, MD, PhD)

— Product / Tool Demonstrations —

00:20:03 - Guideline Definition Language (GDL) tools (Rong Chen, Cambio)

00:35:40 - openEHR / Task Planning in DIPS Arena (Bjørn Næss, DIPS)

00:46:10 - openEHR Covid-19 project - UK (Ian McNicoll, FreshEhr)

00:52:31 - openEHR Covid-19 project - Norway (Bjørn Næss, DIPS)

00:59:10 - Task Planning for Obstetric care - Brazil (Danielle Santos Alves, RN, PhD cand. UFPE)

— Tools and how to develop? —

01:10:25 - Task Planning implem for Moscow City, Better Care (Matija Kejžar, Better)

01:45:02 - Cambio GDL tools & development (Rong Chen, Cambio)

01:52:20 - DIPS Task Planning development (Bjørn Næss, DIPS)

— Conclusions —

01:57:03 - openEHR roadmap for GDL, Task Planning, CDS (Thomas Beale)

02:00:30 - Questions