Yes, this is exactly what I’m asking for. Where does the template modeller put that ‘UI label’ wich is usually phrased like a question for the Yes/No/Unknown answers for the “Presence?”-field (in order to guide Form developers). We could invent our own local hack, but having a recommended place/mechanism for it would make different implementations more alike.
I just realized that…
- …I have missed one obvious potential place: renaming the “Presence?”-field to hold the parient-facing question, see yellow highlight in image below (I’ll also edit the previous list in the previos post to add that pattern.)
- …and that the the “symptom or sign name”-fields should of course not be renamed to “Fatigue” as I erraneously did in a previous post, but rather keep their field name (green highlight in image below). Instead it is of course the content of “symptom or sign name” (The DV_TEXT value) that should contain “Fatigue” and be properly terminology-coded to match the query intent,