How to make mappings easier to query and to document in openEHR

I’m conscious that the title of this topic may be a bit misleading ,and that we are in danger of confusing scope which is really about how/where to record/query additional term codes, alongside internal codes like atcodes. It is not about mappings in general

This is (IMO) about how to be able to define and record additional multiple termCodes, to support querying via those additional terms

In scope

  1. Where to add additional terms e.g LOINC and/or SNOMED to
  • a Node name (, alongside the archetypeNodeId
  • a Node value, usually DV_CODED_TEXT, in addition to any defining_code e.g an internal atCode is used as the value defining_code but we also want to carry the SNOMED equivalent code in the patient record
  1. How do we constrain archetypes/templates to ‘force’ any additional codes to be carried?

  2. Can and should we constrain these additional codes as mandatory, or impose validation?

  3. Can we improve AQL to simplifying the querying of terms?

Out of scope

  1. Structural mappings e.g FHIR observation <> openEHR archetype. I think there is general agreement that this is best handled outside archetypes/templates.

However there is overlap in that those structural mappings will almost certainly include term mappings, so we need to make sure we that broader requirement in mind.

  1. Complex conditional term mappings e.g. how to handle a pre-coordinated code like “Sitting systolic blood pressure” This probably needs to sit within the structural mapping space, but we do need to consider imported data with pre-coordinated LOINC term like “Sitting systolic blood pressure” - where does that get stored ,if anywhere?