Findings: "Transform openEHR to FHIR Questionnaire"

Fixed the problem :grinning:
Will be corrected in next version


Just released a new version including fixes to all the above issues :grin:


Thanks, liked the new features like choosing between text and string for DV_TEXT!

Tried a new export and sorry to say still some issues. Using the same OTP I posted previously in the thread:

I haven’t had time for a thorough scan of the generated Questionnaire, anyway listing some of my findings under.

This part is missing sub items which is in the OTP, there are also other parts of the Questionnaire which are missing sub items:

     <linkId value="openEHR-EHR-SECTION.adhoc.v1:at0000"/>
     <text value="Inklusjon"/>
     <type value="group"/>
        <linkId value="openEHR-EHR-ADMIN_ENTRY.episode_institution.v0:at0000"/>
        <text value="Omsorgsepisode - institusjon"/>
        <type value="group"/>
        <linkId value="openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.problem_diagnosis.v1:at0000"/>
        <text value="Diagnose"/>
        <type value="group"/>

These items are missing the type attribute (could be the same is true elsewhere in the Questionnaire as well):

            <linkId value="openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.exposure_assessment.v0:at0000"/>
            <text value="Spørreskjema for eksponering"/>
            <type value="group"/>
               <linkId value="openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.exposure_assessment.v0:at0002"/>
               <text value="Siste 14 dager"/>
               <linkId value="openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.exposure_assessment.v0:at0002_1"/>
               <text value="På registreringstidspunktet"/>

Thanks! will review it as soon as possible

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First one is easily fixable, I forgot to specify how ADMIN_ENTRY must be traversed :see_no_evil:

edit: second one are objects under “name” attribute being generated, which probably shouldn’t (it already uses terminology part of the OPT to put the names in the questionnaire object)

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Does that mean both of them are easily fixable? :slight_smile:

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Think so :smiley:

edit: Squashing the second one right now, pure EVENT classes were not considered yet

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Just released a new version solving these issues @Kenneth_Myhra
In principle there are no more missing types as the number of type tags equals the linkid ones :slight_smile:


If we would later go by one of the URN suggestions in DV_EHR_URI-related Issues - Specifications - Confluence ( and register the openehr URN, then that uri example could instead be urn:openehr:archetype:openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.laboratory_test_result.v1

Context: We are at Karolinska University hospital currently starting to look at two-way conversions between openEHR templates and FHIR Questionnaires for some use cases where we need to use some already available form services. We thus found this thread interesting. If anybody has done more in this area after the posts above, please share your experiences.


Link to a post I made on a similar topic