Business Intelligence tools with openEHR support

If that is the case, you don’t have any BI requirements there, your requirement is how to export openEHR data so others can read it, which is the first step of the ETL, extraction…

openEHR has a flat format that can be used, but I don’t like it, since most clinical information is hierarchical by definition. If the BI team works with clinical data, I’m sure they understand this. The issue is not openEHR or the format, the issue is how to effectively communicate to another team where the data they need can be found, basically documentation.

You can provide a normal JSON openEHR instance, I mean all the structure, but then you need to document what it means. If they are used to do ETL, they know how to process different data sources and formats. Of course, explaining an openEHR structure is like describing the template used to defined the structure, and that is like a CDA implementation guide. This kind of guide, is really helpful for big ETL projects, because there is no common language to express the ETL, something I mentioned above.

Then what they need to do is to implement the mappings from the openEHR data to extract each data point they require. This is part of the custom requirements, the other part is the data you are actually providing, so you can’t escape the “custom” part. With the data points selected, they will proceed with the transformation and loading, then the rest.

In the EHRServer, when you create a datavalue query, you can set the type of result you want from that query, it could be grouped by path or composition. By path, is like having a table of results, which is what you might use for the initial step of ETL. This is a guide on how to use it:

My description doesn’t consider your business model, you need to adapt the parts to your own reality. This is a general description on how any kind of integration is done for analytics and BI projects.