ASSERTION in openehr_expression_104.bmm is not in accordance with the specifications

This is an example of ASSERTION that doesn’t look right to me (scroll to see everything):

"includes" : [ {
  "@type" : "ASSERTION",
  "string_expression" : "archetype_id/valuematches{/.*/}",
  "expression" : {
    "@type" : "BINARY_OPERATOR",
    "type" : "BOOLEAN",
    "precedence_overridden" : false,
    "operator" : "matches",
    "right_operand" : {
      "@type" : "CONSTRAINT",
      "precedence_overridden" : false,
      "item" : {
        "@type" : "C_STRING",
        "rm_type_name" : "string",
        "node_id" : "id9999",
        "constraint" : [ "/.*/" ],
        "logical_path" : "/",
        "allowed" : true,
        "required" : false,
        "prohibited" : false,
        "attributes" : [ ],
        "path" : "/"
    "left_operand" : {
      "@type" : "MODEL_REFERENCE",
      "precedence_overridden" : false,
      "path" : "archetype_id/value"
    "unary" : false
  "variables" : [ ]
} ],

@pieterbos Was this a solution to get something working with AM 2.0.6 and “openehr_expression_104.bmm” and it doesn’t conform to the specifications? Or am I missing something?

@thomas.beale Are there any OPT2s for AM >= 2.1.0 that you are aware of?