Sorry for delay, PR is now merged, the change is not in ‘latest’ and will be part of upcoming Release 3.1.0.
<concept id="380" rubric="Qualified real"/>
My current translation (zh) of the rubric “Qualified real” is “带有量词限定的实数” (which means a real number with a qualifier for counting)? Is this understanding correct?
BTW, I forked the openEHR specifications-TERM repo for translating the XML file.
<concept id="375" rubric="Resistance"/>
This rubric is a bit ambiguous. “Electric resistance”?
<concept id="267" rubric="mode"/>
An ambiguous rubric. It means “the value that appears most frequently in a series of numbers”?
If example units available, it would be easier to clarify the meaning.
<concept id="758" rubric="Spectral power density"/>
I can’t find exactly the same term above but the following one:
"Power spectral density" = "功率谱密度"
Should these issues be proposed to the github repo?
It’s a good question. I’ve always understood ‘Qualified real’ to be a “trick” to be able to fit a unitless number into the DV_QUANTITY data type, but others who’ve been around for longer probably have more info about this. @thomas.beale ?
Agree, “Electrical resistance” is better!
This is from <group openehr_id="event_math_function" name="event math function">
<group openehr_id="event_math_function" name="event math function">
<concept id="145" rubric="minimum"/>
<concept id="144" rubric="maximum"/>
<concept id="267" rubric="mode"/>
<concept id="268" rubric="median"/>
<concept id="146" rubric="mean"/>
<concept id="147" rubric="change"/>
<concept id="148" rubric="total"/>
<concept id="149" rubric="variation"/>
<concept id="521" rubric="decrease"/>
<concept id="522" rubric="increase"/>
<concept id="640" rubric="actual"/>
In the context of the other related values, my assumption is that this is the statistical mode:
The mode refers to the most frequently occurring number found in a group of numbers.
( Mode - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (
Yes, the units for all the different unit properties are in PropertyUnitData.xml.
You’re right, it should be “Power spectral density”.
That would be great!
That is my understanding, it signifies a unitless number, but I had thought that “1” was a valid UCUM unit, not an openEHR thing. Having said that I can’t find any notes on this this in UCUM documentation.
‘1’ is a valid UCUM unit. Meaningless, but valid
It’s called “unity”, if i remember correctly.
Thanks, Selje and Ian. Your clarifications are very useful.
Chinese translation (zh) of the openehr_terminology.xml (Release-3.0.0) is completed.
<Unit property_id="0" Text="cm" name="centimeter" conversion="1" coefficient="-2" primary="false" UCUM="cm"/>
How to translate this file, including the property name and especially the Unit name? I mean the official way.